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Disclosure of the Heart (The Heart Series)
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Title Page
Disclosure of the Heart
Mary Whitney
Omnific Publishing
Los Angeles
Copyright Information
Disclosure of the Heart, Copyright © 2013 by Mary Whitney
All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.
Omnific Publishing
1901 Avenue of the Stars, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, California 90067
First Omnific eBook edition, November 2013
First Omnific trade paperback edition, November 2013
The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Whitney, Mary.
Disclosure of the Heart / Mary Whitney – 1st ed
ISBN: 978-1-623420-98-7
1. Contemporary Romance—Fiction. 2. First Love—Fiction. 3. New Adult—Fiction. 4. Washington, DC—Fiction. I. Title
Cover Design by Micha Stone and Amy Brokaw
Interior Book Design by Coreen Montagna
To Mr. Cat, my dear writing companion.
This was his last book.
Chapter One
Nicki Johnson
Washington, DC
January 2009
THE HARDEST LIES TO MAINTAIN are the ones you tell yourself. For me, one way or another, the truth always seeped through the cracks of my brain. It was the biggest day of my career, and my mind should have been on something important, something that might come up in the next hour—like the Middle East or domestic gas prices or health care. Instead, all I could think about was Dolly Parton. That song “Here You Come Again,” which had haunted me for days, was at it once more, ringing through my head.
Trying to refocus on work, I glanced about the packed room as reporters chattered away while they found their seats. I avoided looking in the back left where I knew he was sitting. The assigned seats in the White House press briefing room were designed so the press secretaries would always know which news outlet they were talking to. I just happened to also be using the seating chart to avoid seeing my high school boyfriend.
“It’s time,” I heard Matt, my boss, whisper in my ear.
Nodding, I watched him take to the podium, and as he adjusted his microphone, the chaotic room became orderly at once. The inauguration might have been yesterday, but this was the first press conference in the White House—a momentous event for everyone in the room. The media were on their best and brightest behavior, waiting for the White House press secretary to speak.
“Good morning to you all. Welcome to our first official press briefing,” Matt said in his booming voice. His belly, big from months of bad campaign food, shook as he chuckled. “I’m sure we’ll soon get sick of seeing one another every day.”
The room reverberated with laughter, and I attempted a genuine smile, but an observant person would’ve seen it was tense. If you had noticed, you’d have probably thought I was nervous about work. Not at all. Work didn’t make me anxious. My job was easy for me—always had been. The guy who sat somewhere in the back, well, that was tough. He was best kept out of sight and out of mind.
After the crowd quieted, Matt said, “Before we get started, I want you to meet our team. First, I’d like to introduce you to our deputy press secretary, Nicole Johnson. If you were on the campaign trail with us, you know Nicole well.”
I was blocked from view by a few of the male staffers, so Matt gestured toward us and said, “Nicole, get out from behind Jeff so you can say hello.”
Placing all thoughts of Dolly Parton songs and ex-boyfriends out of my mind, I stepped around Jeff and the guys and gave the room a small wave. Matt offered me the podium, and I was in my element. With a confident smile, I said, “Hello, everyone. Being new in town, it’s nice to see some familiar faces from the campaign. And I’m looking forward to getting to know those of you I haven’t met yet.”
“Thank you, Nicole,” Matt said, showing me back to my space. He leaned in toward the microphone to crack his standard joke. “Unlike me, Nicole has all the answers. Just try to stump her.”
I smiled and shook my head just like I always did, and Matt continued with the introductions of our staff. Afterward, the questions began with the press studiously taking notes as Matt recited policy positions we’d both repeated a thousand times. Yet everyone hearing the words that day knew they were different. This was no longer a presidential candidate’s position on a critical issue. It was now the position of President James Logan’s administration. The enormity of the moment struck me, and I had to remind myself, Wow. I work for the president.
As if he read my mind, my most dedicated staffer, Jeff, whispered in my ear, “Can you believe this is happening to us?”
With a smile, I said under my breath, “No.” And he didn’t know how much I meant it. There I was, part of a little moment of history, and Adam Kincaid—of all people—was in the room with me. How did that happen?
I shifted my eyes slightly to the left toward the back where I knew he was, but I was too short to really see him. All I caught was a glimpse of his rusty hair towering over the crowd. When I’d known him, it was longer, but it made sense it was short now—he wasn’t in high school anymore. And neither was I.
Adam heard my introduction, and tall as he was, he must’ve seen me. I wondered what he thought. Did he still think I was pretty, even a little? Or did I look old? I was short with mousy brown hair; I certainly didn’t look like the women I knew he dated.
My stomach lurched in a way I hadn’t felt in forever, and the Dolly Parton song floated back to me. She sang about a man walking back into a woman’s life, just to wreck it again.
My head snapped to attention. No. That wasn’t going to happen to me—not this time.
I peeked again toward the back. The question wasn’t how we’d gotten to the same place. You could easily trace that by our professions; it could’ve happened to anyone on our career paths. I’d just moved to DC because I was a communications staffer for a successful governor who’d become president, and Adam had already been here for a few years heading the BBC’s Washington office.
The question was why. Why had he gone back to beat reporting and taken the job at the White House? Was it just because it was an exciting new presidency? Or did he care that I was there?
My heart sank with shame and guilt. I shouldn’t have been thinking those things for many reasons, but I did. How could I not?
The inevitable moment came when Adam was called on for a question, yet I still wasn’t ready for it. When Matt announced, “Adam,” I flinched so hard that Jeff gave me a side eye. He clearly wanted to know why I’d have a physical reaction to a BBC reporter—it wasn’t like an Al Jazeera reporter was about to speak. I ignored Jeff and played nonchalant. No matter how much I wanted to step forward and get a better look at Adam, I had to stay back. I hadn’t gone out of my way to look at any other reporter, after all. Adam should be no different.
I took a deep breath as Adam’s distinct English accent filled the room. “As a candidate last autumn, the president made lukewarm comments toward the rel
ationship between the United Kingdom and America. Is the Logan administration going to mark a new era in the two countries’ special relationship?”
His voice was deeper than I remembered it but still familiar. My hands clenched into fists so tight, I felt my nails cut into my palms, and my heart hung on his words. Had Adam meant anything by “special relationship”?
As Matt answered his question, saying the special relationship was as strong as ever and comments during a campaign had to be taken with a grain of salt, I realized I was a total idiot. Adam had asked the question any BBC reporter would ask at the start of a new American presidency. He was only quoting Churchill, not signaling anything to me. Get a grip, Nicki.
When Matt moved on to the Univision reporter, I forced my fists open and splayed my fingers, hoping to ease some of my tension. I turned to Jeff and found something relevant to say.
“Remind me to follow up with Univision,” I whispered.
“Sure,” he said. “Any international press? The BBC?”
“No.” It came out a little curtly and much too quickly. I added in a nicer tone, “There’s no reason to.”
There really wasn’t.
After the briefing was over, I remained in the front, knowing reporters would come to me. I wouldn’t have to walk the room and bump into Adam. Of course, I’d soon have to talk to him. My job would require it, but it didn’t have to be today.
Thankfully, the clock ticked away, and I let my eyes stray up to it even when I was in the middle of answering a question. Matt and I had a meeting at the top of the hour. He hated being late, so we’d have a quick exit.
With only a few minutes to get to the next meeting, I gave my final instructions to Jeff, waiting for Matt to tap me on the shoulder to signal our departure. After Jeff scurried off, behind me I overheard Matt say, “Welcome, Adam. I hear you’re going to be with us for a while.”
I gulped and looked around in desperation. There was no one to talk to. The only appropriate move would be for me to turn and follow my boss’s lead in welcoming the new BBC reporter. That’s what someone in my position would normally do. It was what should be done.
And it was my perfect opportunity to strike two birds with one stone. I could talk to Adam using Matt as a buffer, and I could also casually tell Matt that Adam and I knew each other outside of work. In the interest of full disclosure, Matt should know that I once had a personal relationship with a reporter covering the White House. I just hadn’t said anything yet because it was never the right time. That’s what I told myself. I didn’t want to make a big deal of our acquaintance because it wasn’t a big deal, right?
“Yes, thank you,” I heard Adam answer. “I’m looking forward to it.”
I expected Matt to say something else, but instead I felt him tap my shoulder and then walk toward the door. I was off the hook. I could leave and avoid Adam altogether.
Yet in the end, I couldn’t simply walk away from Adam. I couldn’t ignore the fact he was right behind me. After over fifteen years and an ocean between us, he was now only a few feet away.
Without an additional thought, I wheeled around to finally see him.
As much as I’d tried to get Adam out of my mind in the last few days, I had done some preparation to meet him again. I’d expected to see him handsome as ever and be charmed by his smile and speech. After all, he was a funny, great guy. I was supposed to say, “Hello, how are you?” and “It’s nice to see you again.”
Standing before me, he was handsome, his smile was charming, and he seemed genuinely happy to see me, but I couldn’t return the smile. I couldn’t say any of my practiced lines. Seeing him flooded my mind with memories I’d long ago chosen to forget.
They were bittersweet memories of him and, most startling, buried memories of my sister. The aftermath of Lauren’s death was a part of me I’d only shared with him, no one else, no other friend and certainly no other man. Adam wasn’t just an ex-boyfriend, because he really hadn’t been a boyfriend in the first place. When we were together, he’d been my life, or at least a lifeline when I had needed it most. And then he’d broken my heart, and though he’d desperately tried, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t have put it back together again.
There in the middle of the White House, I locked eyes with him, and all the pain I’d known stabbed at me. I was seventeen again, with a scarred body and a shattered life.
One day a few years ago, I had watched as my cat approached a squirrel in my mom’s backyard. The squirrel had been motionless, petrified by fright. Instinct told the animal that any movement would only make him more vulnerable. That was my reaction to seeing Adam; I said and did nothing. I stared at him with no expression, like he was stranger on the street.
“Nick—” he began to say with a broad smile before Matt spoke over my shoulder.
“Nicole, we need to move on.”
Matt was my way out of this emotional disaster. Like a robot, I turned on my heel and followed him without looking back. Closing my eyes, I tried to find reality, but maybe it was reality that had already hit me.
I remembered my last conversation with Adam fifteen and a half years before. In a most vivid memory I didn’t allow myself to think of often, the boy I’d once known spoke through his tears, “I’m not saying goodbye. I love you too much to say that.”
The impossible had occurred. Adam was in my life again, even if it was only professionally. I couldn’t deny our past. Warmth welled in my heart, and a joy inside reminded me, It’s Adam!
I stopped for a moment and peered over my shoulder, still unsure how to act around him. I noticed he’d taken a step back and his brow had furrowed, just as it always had when I’d confused him. That made me smile, but a smile was all I could muster. I left without saying a word, more confused than he was.
Chapter Two
AS MATT LED US through the West Wing, I checked my phone, knowing all the messages waiting for me would shock my system back into work. The texts were usually the most important, so I scanned them first. I was surprised to see one from Lisa, my best friend from growing up in Texas and whom I’d been crashing with since I’d come to DC.
Why haven’t you called me back???
I went to my received calls, and there were three from her. Normally, we didn’t bother each other at work. She took her job as seriously as I took mine, and the clock on my phone warned I had no time to call her back. I quickly tapped out a reply.
Sorry. Busy. Can’t talk right now. What’s up?
Her response flashed almost immediately and caused me to stop in the middle of the hallway.
WTF? Why didn’t you tell me ADAM KINCAID was in DC
I stared at the screen. Maybe it was because we’d been friends since sixth grade that we kept some things from each other. We didn’t offer information, nor did we pry. Certain subjects were simply off limits. Why would we want to cause a friend unnecessary pain? Lauren was one of those subjects for me, as was Adam.
Yet, sometimes a topic had to be addressed. Adam being in DC was a major one that I’d avoided but known she would eventually find out. Either I’d be forced to tell her, or it would come up somehow. I just didn’t expect it so soon. I tried to deflect her.
Sorry. And I don’t actually work with him.
In only seconds, she called me out on my shit just like she had since we were kids.
Whatever. Why didn’t you tell me?
She was onto me. I had to acknowledge I’d screwed up, because Lisa was not one to let something go. I gave her my one-word answer as to why I’d left her in the dark.
And then came her reprimand.
You’re crazy.
I snorted at that.
Yeah, I am, but why are you watching
the news at work anyway?
My distraction didn’t really work.
I wanted to show you off to my colleagues.
Geeky scientists think I know a ce
I didn’t expect to see HIM on the screen. We HAVE to talk.
That was such an unsavory proposition that I got a bad taste in my mouth. Reluctantly, I replied.
Okay. Tonight.
After Lisa’s rebuke, I decided I had to tell Matt that day. I wanted him to hear it from me before anyone else in case there was gossip. Who knew whom Adam had talked to or what he’d told them? Because it was the journalistically ethical thing to do, I guessed he’d said something to his bosses at the BBC. But what? Whatever it was, it hadn’t been enough to stop him from covering the White House. So maybe this whole past-relationship thing actually wasn’t so earth-shattering.
Regardless, I didn’t have a moment alone with Matt until after seven that evening. By that time, his tie was loose and his jacket off, and he was always a little flippant when the workday slipped into the night. When you spoke to him, he’d make snarky comments and sneak glances at photos of his family lining his desk. He just wanted to get the hell out of there and home to his wife and kids. If you had an issue you wanted dealt with quickly, nighttime was always the right time.
I poked my head into his office. “Got a second before you leave?”
“Sure,” he said, looking up from his laptop. He continued typing as he talked. “What do you need?”
“I’ve been meaning to tell you something.” I leaned against the doorjamb and crossed my arms, hoping to signal that if I didn’t sit down, it wasn’t worth a real discussion.
“What’s that?”
“Just that I knew Adam Kincaid in high school.”
Smiling, Matt cocked his head and leaned back in his seat, giving his belly a wide berth from the desk. “Adam with the BBC? How did that happen? I thought you went to high school in Texas.”
“I did.”
“Was he an exchange student or something?”